Moral 2
It's Moral again. Maybe it's not clear. Oh well. That's not the point. Teacher Salbiah gave us Moral essay question yesterday. It's about women 'didiskriminasikan' so we gona write nilai for it. My second nilai was nilai keadilan while the second kata kunci is tindakan yang tidak berat sebelah. I was so lack of ideas that time! Guess what did I write for my huraian? "Contohnya, masyarakat tidak boleh mengganggap wanita sebagai mesin melahirkan bayi malah hendaklah dianggap sama penting dengan hak lelaki."All my friends laughed like hell. But hey, I got full mark! ^0^
mainan seks haha
yea haha! I was asking teacher why cannot use hemah tinggi. I said golongan wanita have to [beradab sopan] dalam pergaulan seharian. and teacher said bukan bukan, if put hemah tinggi, it means that they have to [beradab sopan] when bergaul with the people who have sex with them!!!!!
cik salbiah?! =.=
not married yet =D
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