Thursday, May 21, 2009


The first thought came to my mind after exam was that : " Whee...The days after exam shall be very relaxing!" Hey, but no. I just realized that I will not going to attend piano lessons for 3 weeks continuosly! We have Prefects Leadership Camp this Saturday and Sunday. Temple Camp next Saturday for 4 days 3 nights and Leo Forum for 3 days 2 nights on the week after next week. Oh and one more. Madam Chew was celebrating Teacher's Day at school last Saturday.
In conclusion: 3 + 1 = 4! 4 weeks!
Physics tuition as well. I went last week but not the 3 following weeks. Cool. You think so?Hell no.
* No cameras for Prefects Camp! :(

Hell you know I don't like people saying :" Oh my god / Oh my gosh / Oh my G "
" Oh my man" is accepted anyhow. :P
Who cares.
What is so LIHAI if that person score so high for certain subjects?
It's none of your business and none of my business too.
Who's your GOD?!
Ehehehe. Cool down me. Ok ok. I am satisfied with my BM marks. Whee. It's better than I thought. Thank you.

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