Saturday, November 29, 2008


I read 7 books in this one-month-holiday. There are 蝴蝶过期居留、你的爱情,我在里面、放手的幸福、荷包里的单人床、You are a top student、长夜里的拥抱、恶作剧2吻.

For the 'You are a top student', I bought it when Mr Jackson Ng came to my primary school to give a speech.I read it over and over again.Apparently, I did not turn up to be a "top student". ;) Honestly, it's not the book's problem, it's me . (I don't have that strong determination to get a number 1 in class)

Finally, Congratulations to Ms Mavis Pang Shwu Chin for she finally knows how to solve a rubik's cube on Thursday! ;)

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