Thursday, June 26, 2008


Got our Science tuition test-Land and it resources back today! I got 98% ! Wowhoo.I bet the josephians!When teacher called out my name, my hand were shaking, I was saying 'har?er?',Then, while I got my paper, my whole body was so hot.(it's panas not sexy).Don't know why.Everybody did well except for some guys lah and some girls from our school and some gaporians.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Especially for:.....

First, I would like to say sorry to certain people in my class if I hurt your feelings.(However, our class is still noisy with the voices of 43 students inside there,not just you guys, but all of us.)

Second, I would like to say thank you to all my friends that are so care about my stuff.

Lastly, as a Buddhist, I am asked to learn to forgive people for what they've done to us."give and take' yea.

Thanks to Buddha.

*I don't want to make things bigger and bigger.So, it's just ok that if I just apologize.I don't mind to apologize if it's untuk kesejahteraan kita semua*
-Through blogging, I knew that many people not happy about me.I don't mind.If I still have my friends and my family.-

Monday, June 23, 2008

Not much thought

Emhh.I skipped school today due to my menstruation cycle which is so the overflow.Perhaps I'll have to skip tuition at Parish Centre this afternoon.I just remembered.We suppose to have test on scale drawing and linear equations II at tuition.Not sure whether I am going or not.Or maybe I'll just ask the paper from teacher on Thursday since he got class, I also got class.=)Yeah,good idea.Hehe.Nothing much to write.I have not study ANY subject for PMR yet! I know lah.Somebody must have everything on her fingertips already.Why should we memorize?? From what my eldest sister have told me, Australians study pratically.Us?Memorize!

3 Rukun Negara yang terbaru yang diumumkan oleh Y.A.B xxxxx

i) Memorize!



Sunday, June 22, 2008


I miss my cousin so much. She slept at our house last night and went back this afternoon.
My cousin--

Went to Pn Chen's tuition today. What the hell I had been called by pn chen 4 times today??Funny.

After tuition, my mum and I went to 'Jeffrey Hair Salon' near Choice Premier to have our haircut.

My mum-^^She looks funny.(sorry, forgot to rotate)

How do me look like---

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trip to Lundu(15/6/'08)

Finally ! I managed to upload the pictures that I took at Lundu and Sembalin(?).
Lundu Beach-

Here comes my sister-

It's me-

At Sembalin(?)

The cat and I

'She sells seashells on the seashore'

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Finally !

Finally ! They managed to settle down their problem ! Hip Hip Hooray ! Congratulations people !

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dada's birthday party.

I couldn't believe that I drank 2 cups of beer last night at dada's house! I mixed Sprite with the Qing Dao Beer. Walaueh! So nice!!! Ena mixed Cola with that beer, quite nice also.But mine is nicer. Hehe! Thanks to dada's aunty!


Me and birthday girl.

The Chai and birthday girl(first time got chai's photo in my phone)

At Friendship Park

We got = ena--chai--shelly--birthday girl

We got=ena--chai--shelly--me

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Singapore Open 2008

Lee Chong Wei(Mas) VS Peter Gade(Den)
Go!Go! Chong Wei!!
I just found out that: That "English" got the same appearance as Peter Gade, but Peter is fairer.Miracle!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor

Everyone knows this guy.Dr SMS.

What can I say about him? Handsome, smart, clever, and bla bla....Just don't use words that are soooooo complicated.Since my uncle is a photographer, he captured a lot of photos of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. I went to the stadium perpaduan on the first wednesday of last holiday.From what I saw, most of the people, especially girls, went there just for his handsome-ness instead of reading his " Reaching for Stars" book.That-is-very-BAD.
Who is he smiling at?
Please: People, don't grab my photos yea.That's-very-rude.Especially Rabiaal.Haha.Kidding.
I know you are such a BIG fan of his.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kolien Rachel

Today during Science tuition at Parish Centre,Rachel was being disturbed. She got a "love letter" from whoever-it-was(were). The guy(s) wrote:
Rachel was laughing. Linda asked whether could she tear the paper or not.She just did it. Haha.
Edith:" So, what do you think?"
Rachel:"Think about what?"
Edith:"The letter".
Rachel:"I feel cham.I feel like I want to ask that person whether will he die for me since he wrote "I love you more than my life".
Edith:"Ohhhhhh k."
Whoa! That's the story.
If you know me well, you will know that I like to share feelings with my friends.Rabiaal just shared her feelings with me today.She told me something which I feel "She-is-so-kolien".Even the prefects also hate her.=(.Sobs.Did she do anything wrong?I thought she's just performing her duty, wasn't it?I know every prefects will have these kind of feelings(including me).What can a prefect do if the students don't want to listen to you?Shout at them?Or just let them go?Give demerits?(no!It doesn't work!)Sometimes I just like, fine, I-am-blind.I didn't see any single thing.I couldn't promise that I wll stand that student since I know I got low-EQ in me.Anyway, I will try to handle it by myself! I believe I can do it!! Ya!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

I watched Kung Fu Panda last night at 7.30pm.I met Ann Chong and her gang.This is a nice and funny but touching movie.I enjoyed it very much but I also had been suffering ! There was a man who sat in front of me.He was soooo a big-size and talll man. Because of those 'characterisc' in him, I was being blocked ! Actually, I was sitting in the middle.I was supposed to see 90 degrees.Because of him, I was forced to watch the movie by 45 degrees.(something like that, I didn't own a potractor at that time)Oh man! Who will bring a potractor with him/her when go for a movie??Funny isn't it?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Petrol ! Petrol ! Petrol !

Everyone's blogs all about petrol ! Newspapers ! Radio ! Television ! Msn Messenger ! ALL
talking about p-e-t-r-o-l !!!!! The petrol price increases. Mummy says later the price of the
kerosene used for the aeroplanes will also increase. Sooner the air-ticket price will also i-n-c-
r-e-a-s-e ! Oh My ! Haiz..... What to do? Goverment not pandai enough.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Camp organized by Sze Yin Youth Section.

Just came back from a very meaningful and useful camp organized by Sze Yin Youth Section.I just can't explain why.I can use our school mic to ask the students to keep quiet but when I got there I just could not take the mic and share my feelings with the others.Yehhh..weird hoo?(Hope Pei Chen didn't see this,if not,she'll hoot me later).=)But nevermind, in this 2 days camp I spoke 3 times using the mic.hehe.Cheer for me! I had made friends with those people from Lundu.They are very nice people.Last night, which was the 'last night' of the camp, my friends and I did the sign language in front of people from Sibu.Hwee~Pei Chen and I learnt last minute because when they were preparing the night before, I slept! I slept at 11pm but my sister slept at 12.30am.So scary! I hope can meet those people again.=).I miss them loh..